What do you want to make?

Mia Mueller Mia Mueller

Ceramic Air Conditioner 2.0

It's hot again so it's time to try (again!) to make a clay air conditioner. This ceramic AC requires only a fan to cool the room, making it an eco-friendly alternative to a traditional air conditioner. And hey, if you're a little handy, you can make your own DIY air conditioner! Enjoy!

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Mia Mueller Mia Mueller

How to make seams like a pro

When we're slab-building, the LAST thing we want is visible seams! While handbuilding pottery, I have a couple tricks up my sleeve to make my slab's seams disappear ✨

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Mia Mueller Mia Mueller

How to make Clay look like Cardboard

In this week's Steal like an Artist video, I tried to recreate the work by the amazing ceramic artist Jacques Monneraud. His cardboard illusion pottery is truly mindblowing, so let's all LOL at me trying to work with precision, and in the end succeed, maybe.

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Mia Mueller Mia Mueller

Why you (probably) shouldn't buy a kiln

Please don't buy a kiln before considering these things! I am seeing lots of people get excited and rush into buying a kiln, and it's an exciting purchase for sure! But I want to warn you about a few things you definitely need to consider before buying your first kiln.

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Mia Mueller Mia Mueller

How I made a bird feeder

I wanted to gift my local birds a new DIY bird feeder for summer, so I decided to slab build it myself! This is an pretty straightforward beginner pottery project, and I even make a slab building template for it, so just print it out, trace the templates, and you can gift your birds a new bird feeder too!

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Mia Mueller Mia Mueller

Can I make pottery like Florian Gadsby?

Florian Gadsby is one of my favorite artists and a potter I really look up to. His work is impeccable, and I have no business trying to recreate it, but let's see how it goes!

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Mia Mueller Mia Mueller

Making a plate collection

If you watched my video a couple weeks ago, I explored a couple new plate designs. Now, let's take my favorite plate and turn it into a collection!

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Mia Mueller Mia Mueller

3 steps to center perfectly every time

In this video you will learn how to center clay on the potter's wheel for beginners. Follow my 3 steps, and you will learn how to center perfectly, every time!

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Mia Mueller Mia Mueller

How I made a Teaset inspired by my garden

It's the Canadian Pottery Throwdown Finale! Let me tell you I was FREAKING out when I found out the challenge prompt, because it's the exact same prompt that was the very first British Pottery Throwdown episode I made last year! I was so excited to recreate this teaset challenge because I wanted to do it BETTER. And let me tell you, I was very pleased with the results :)

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